ISPE D/A/CH Robotics Application of the Year Award


How to apply?

  1. Select a category which fits your application best. In case of difficulties, you are allowed to optionally select a second category. In that case the jury will judge, in which category you application fits best.
  2. Describe the process automated by your application. Please follow the proposal within the template to name the physical input and output of the application and the process itself – all illustrated by meaningful pictures. Please reflect the name of the Award: It is about “robotics”. Therefor the robot should be a major enabler within your application. This role must become clear within your description of the application.
  3. Describe your application in 5 section according to the 5 evaluation criteria allow the jury to compare your application to other applications in the same category in each criteria.
  4. Provide all information necessary to explain, that your application explicitly fullfills the requirements listed below in the requirements sections.

Submission form:

All required entry forms are to be downloaded, completed, and emailed to ISPE. The full submission should be prepared in accordance with the guidelines provided in these instructions and submitted electronically by e-mail to . Submissions must be received by the stated deadline and each submission must include all required information and signatures in order to be complete.

Final submissions are du no later than August 18, 2024 23:59 UTC-5.



Each concept or application are evaluated based on the below mentioned criterias. Please reflect the name of the Award: It is about “robotics”. Therefor the robot should be a major enabler within your application. This role must become clear within your description of the application.

  1. Within 1st priority we are focusing on the attractiveness of the applications and would like additional information to support a strong use-case and teaser describing the concept/application supported by quantified business drivers within the following areas impacted: Ergonomics, Improved Process Quality, Efficiency, 24/7 availability, Aseptic conditions, Human protection, Sustainability.

  2. Second priority is the economical potential of your application. Such calculations require assumptions which are sometimes difficult to judge – anyhow you will earn points in this category if and only if you present an argumentation based on reasonable assumptions. Finally, you must select one out of the four following “Return of investment” categories supported by your argumentation:
    < 1 year; < 3 year; < 5 years; > 5 years

  3. Third priority is attractiveness to be applied across pharma.
    In order to convince the jury you have to provide an overview about the area within pharmaceutical industry where your application can be used in production plants and laboratories.

  4. Fourth priority is the flexibility of your application. The jury will value if your automation comes with built-In adoptability. Examples are automated features for format change over, line clearance, adoption to product, built-in cleaning procedures or simplicity of re-qualification.

  5. Fifth priority is the easyness to integrate. We ask you to describe the effort of deploying your application to other customers. Categorize your application according to the five following options and describe for your arguments:
    • Plug&Play: Anyone can buy it including qualifaction, apply without customization
    • Anyone can buy it, apply without customization, but requires qualification
    • Applicable with relevant customization (to be described)
    • Concept is transferable but engineering must be adopted
    • Concept is transferable but re-design necessary

Restrictions 2024

  1. Automation of manual/physical tasks (no software application only / no RPA)

  2. Robot centric automation
    • no classic machinery without a robot
    • Mobile robotics is included in RAYA

  3. Readynesslevel: (TRL 6 or 7)
    • Minimum one installed pilot
    • installed in the intended environment (manufacturing site / R&D site)
    • safety certification started
    • qualified or qualification scheduled

  4. Applicable within pharmaceutical industry

  5. There are no regional restrictions: Applications can include robotics applications from anywhere in the world!