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Pharma 2020

ISPE(Repeat workshop, due to the great interest in the overbooked workshop from the 10. and May 11)

The topic of containment (in its gradations from light to high) is of great concern to the pharmaceutical industry. Many newly introduced drugs are effective even in small doses – their ingredients are highly active. For patients, this development is an opportunity; for manufacturers, it is a challenge. Low occupational exposure limits and complex toxicological assessments require special process safety measures. Added to this are new regulations such as the expanded EU GMP guidelines, which came into force on March 1, 2015.

This growing awareness is driving the technological advancement of containment systems in pharmaceutical production and laboratories. More protection rather than too little is the tendency.

A working group (Community of Practice CoP) of ISPE DACH is regularly dedicated to the topic and has published a Containment Manual. The Containment Manual is now available in English and will be presented at this workshop.

WS Containment Invitation Letter
WS Containment Agenda

WS Containment registration

The visit to the ‘High containment product and process development center PPDC’ at R-Pharm (Illertissen) rounds off the workshop on day 2 with a practical focus.

Non-members can also participate in our events.

Note: The number of participants is limited.

5. and July 6, 2017

R-Pharm / Illertissen
Heinrich-Mack Str. 35
89257 Illertissen

Registration to Rolf Sopp(rolf.sopp(at)ispe-dach.org) with the registration form (see above).