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Clean room flowWhen:
20 – 23 June 2017
Hermann Rietschel Institute of the Technical University of Berlin

Understand | Apply | Check
Recognize problems – avoid mistakes

Target group:
Cleanroom managers, department heads, plant engineers and users from all areas of cleanroom technology as well as manufacturers of cleanroom components

After the advanced training …
…… you are sensitized to the differences between real and theoretical processes in the cleanroom and to critical areas,
…… you have a basic understanding of the real flow processes in the cleanroom,
…… you will be able to use metrological equipment correctly and interpret measured values,
…… know ways to save energy and ways to implement them.

One goal of the training is to reveal the discrepancy between theory and practice.

The knowledge is imparted in five measurement-dominated, practical modules:
– Flow forms:
Heat and particle sources, room flow characteristics,
Arrangement of working and protected areas, sensor positioning for monitoring
– Aerosol physics:
Coincidence, sampling, hose influence, filter leak test
– Building Automation:
Reference zero point, pressure control, tightness, door opening
– Pharma / GMP:
GMP guidelines, physical measurements in pharmaceutical cleanrooms, hygiene regimes in drug manufacturing, media
-Standards / Qualification:
Practical implementation of a qualification according to VDI 2083-3


Cleanroom-specific theoretical principles are already well known to the participants.
However, the actual processes sometimes deviate greatly from the ideal!
In the practical application and planning of cleanrooms, this frequently gives rise to specialist problems and questions that cannot be readily resolved with the existing basic skills.
In this training course, the most important “pitfalls” are demonstrated in practical measurement exercises and solutions are proposed with the participants using experimental sample tasks.
In terms of content, this advanced training uses experimental methods to demonstrate differences between ideal and real flow processes in cleanrooms.
Although cleanroom-specific theoretical principles are well known from the literature, the actual processes in the cleanroom usually deviate greatly from them.
This discrepancy between theory and practice is illustrated in experimental exercises. Solutions are proposed for the associated problem areas, which are taught in the five named topic blocks of flow forms, aerosol physics, building automation, pharmaceuticals/GMP and standards/qualification.

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Martin Kriegel (seminar leader), flow forms
Hermann Rietschel Institute, Berlin
Dr. Marc Schmidt, Aerosol Physics
AAF-International B.V., Bensheim
Rolf Schulze, Building Automation
Sauter Controls GmbH, Freiburg
Dr. Udo Schwuléra, Pharma / GMP
GemLog GmbH, Dresden
Prof. Dr. Horst Weißsieker, Standards / Qualification
WHO Cleanroom Technology, Gummersbach

Research Clean Room:
The Hermann Rietschel Institute has a highly modular research laboratory with two clean rooms and extensive metrological equipment. These research clean rooms cover with their possibilities approx. 90% of the cases installed in practice and are thus unique in Germany. This is where the practical exercises of the training are carried out.
The training takes place in the research laboratory of the Hermann Rietschel Institute, which consists of two clean rooms of different protection classes and has extensive metrological equipment.

Registration is done in writing by mail, fax or e-mail.
The registration form and further information on the training are available for download or can be requested from the organizer.

Further information can be found in the information flyer (PDF, 801.8 KB) or requested directly from the organizer.

Registration is possible until May 19, 2017:
Registration form (PDF, 706,2 KB)
Conditions of participation (PDF, 97,1 KB)

The participation fee of the practice-oriented 3-day training is € 2.250,-.
Members ISPE D/A/CH by mentioning their membership number only € 1.950,-.

The event is limited to ten participants!

Further information on the content and conditions of participation are available on the Hermann Rietschel Institute website.