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2025 ISPE Aseptic Conference

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current information

If you would like to be informed about events and workshops, please register here for the German-language information distribution list of ISPE D/A/CH.

We do not slay you with daily NEWS.
The newsletter is published only 3 times a year: on January 15, May 15 and September 15.

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past events

A review of
selected ISPE D/A/CH

A review

exciting events of the ISPE D/A/CH

2019: ISPE D/A/CH Workshop Continuous Solida Manufacturing versus lean batch versus batch

Topic of the technical discussion: Continuous Solid Manufacturing versus Lean Batch versus Batch The workshop was very well attended. There were presentations on Continuous and an accompanying table top exhibition of Continuous exhibitors and exhibits. The workshop was enriched with guided tours and sightseeing tours.

2019: ISPE D/A/CH Workshop Containment at the FHNW Muttenz: Containment in research and development

Topic of the technical discussion: Containment in research and development, with group work. With almost 140 participants the largest containment technical discussion of ISPE D/A/CH so far. On the first day, there was special training in containment for newcomers. For the first time there was a cooperation between universities/universities of applied sciences (training center and students) and industry in a workshop of ISPE D/A/CH. We were pleased to welcome 63 students (invitation to participate free of charge) from…

2018: ISPE Europe Aseptic Conference in Vienna/Austria - Celebration of 25th anniversary of the ISPE D/A/CH affiliate

More than 200 attendees from manufacturers and key suppliers came to ISPE’s First Europe Conference on Aseptic Manufacturing to the old capital of the Austrian Hungarian Kingdom Vienna. Today Austria is a hotspot of biopharmaceutical manufacturing with a number of globally acting manufacturers or subsidiaries of big pharmaceutical companies. Main technology for biologics is – Aseptics! On top, the ISPE D/A/CH affiliate celebrated with this conference its 25th anniversary. The current chair,…